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- 重要文稿實體文物
- 斗中刊物
- 斗六高中七十五週年校慶特輯
- 校友讀書會精華篇
- 2023.08.16斗中讀書會112-01場次-職涯規劃與發展(吳弘仁學長主講)
- 2023.10.18斗中讀書會112-02場次-孫子兵法在職場的運用(陳連禎學長主講)
- 2023.12.20斗中讀書會112-03場次-AI 現在進行式!與人工智慧共榮的世界(王志清主講)
- 2024.02.18斗中讀書會113-01場次-培養業務力提升效能(陳詩慧主講)
- 2024.03.31斗中讀書會113-02場次-法律實務趣談(林永茂主講)
- 2024.04.14斗中讀書會113-03場次-連結共好的社會(陳美琪主講)
- 2024.06.23斗中讀書會113-04場次- 談我國的半導體產業 (陳調鋌主講)
- 2024.08.25斗中讀書會113-05場次-石斑魚與水產養殖(呂政達主講)
- 2024.10.27斗中讀書會113-06場次-聽見原聲看見臺灣-(孫蘭芳主講)
- 2024.12.22斗中讀書會113-07場次-生活法律輕鬆學(蘇志淵主講)
- 斗中人四季分享會影片
- 斗中六十週年校慶專輯
- 2024.01.31-02.04斗六高中2024日本戶山交流影片
- 榮譽事蹟獎狀、牌實體文物
- 斗中七十周年特刊

I thought writing an article will be easy and quick. I was so wrong.
When I started to think what actually should I write about all the memories came so vividly that I felt overwhelmed, which is funny because it was four years ago that I arrived to Doulio. This time should be long enough to forget a bit and not to feel homesick every once in a while but I still have a strangely strong longing for Taiwan. Probably I will always have it as I spent one of the most amazing years of my life there.
The very first thought as I stepped out of the airport was ‘Oh my goodness, it is so hot my brain will evaporate in half an hour’. Another shock was the first day at 斗高, when I had to realize that I am the only blond at the entire school. Being a 外國人 made me feel quite awkward, simply by the fact that everyone was staring at me, and to make it even better A-bei asked me to go on stage at the opening ceremony of the school year. Now that I think about it I have to admit that I don’t even remember what was I saying or how long was I standing there. I was so nervous but I guess it doesn’t really matter after all.
斗六高中 became my “home” sooner than I could have ever imagined. Everyone, my classmates and teachers likewise, were so helpful and welcoming. I had many funny conversations strongly influenced by hand signs and body language but we always managed to overcome the difficulties caused by language. My initial non-existent knowledge of Chinese started to develop quite soon, whihc I still owe to all of my classmates and of course Jiabin, who patiently kept explaining me the stroke order, intonations and many more. I have learned a great deal from him. I envy all of you a bit who can have him as a teacher because he really is a great person and a smart man to learn from.
He was the one who made me really like Chinese, which in short influenced my choice of university and made me take Chinese again, even though they are just extra to the compulsory classes. Of course, there are many more teachers in the school who I am grateful for. Art, sport teachers, A-bei and many more. Another nice memory I have is about A-bei, who kept interrupting my “ deadly serious” Chinese classes in the teacher’s room with a squeaking rubber chicken, that now decorates my room in Hungary.
斗高 all in all gave me many sweet memories and friends. I’d go back to visit without thinking. So people, appreciate it and live it till you are there!